Education with the STATE PROGRAM for IB and A-LEVEL Students
Education with the STATE PROGRAM for IB and A-LEVEL Students
February 12
15:00 - 17:00
8 Noyabr Ave. 15, Azure Business Center, 20th floor, Office 135
Azure Business Center
A Study Opportunity for IB and A-LEVEL Students at the World's Best Universities with the State Program! Join us at DP Open Day and get detailed information about Warwick University and University of Glasgow, both ranked among the top 100 universities in the world! Make your global education dream a reality with government-funded programs.
What to Expect at the Event?
- Detailed information about Warwick University and University of Glasgow - Study opportunities for IB and A-LEVEL students - Information about government-funded programs Join us to learn how you can achieve your global education dreams!
Register for the event